Year 12 – Drama

Head of Subject: Mrs H Lloyd

Intended Outcomes

A level Drama allows our students the opportunity to explore drama as a practical art form, where ideas and meanings are communicated to an audience considering the choices of form, style and convention.  

  • Course Implementation

    Creating original Drama

    Following the work and methodology of one influential theatre practitioner, students will learn how to create and develop original devised ideas to communicate meaning as part of the theatre making process.   

    Students will consider and apply the social, historical and cultural context in which the practitioner is/was working, they will be innovative in their approach to create new material, they will collaborate with current local practitioners, and they will apply a theatrical style and convention to their work. 

    This will be assessed initially with mid project, 5 minute performances of work created and group discussion to reflect upon content created and the suitability of the style. This will be assessed internally by subject teachers.  

    It will finally be assessed by means of a full performance to a live audience. This live performance is marked by teachers following the exam board marking scheme.  

    Assessment will also be in the format of a reflective report, discussing the opportunities and challenges faced when creating the performance.  

    Drama & Theatre  

    Students are required to practically explore & workshop, interpreting two key extracts, each from a different play. Students will choose a specialism to follow such as performer, lighting designer, sound designer, set designer. This will be internally marked by teachers, with students performing these to a live audience. This assessment will be used internally to aid to year 13 requirements.  

    Live Theatre Production 

    Student will attend live theatre performances with the local area and further afield. Through the process of note taking and writing of live notes, students will then evaluate and analyse the effectiveness of what they saw, and the stage craft used. Students will be given an exam style question to assess their understanding. This will be completed twice throughout the year.  


Learning Impact

This will be assessed through practical performance and supporting written work as well as leading to a written exam. This will be reported to parents through school led data drops, reports and parent’s evenings. 

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