Year 8 – Physical Education

Head of Subject: Mr R Upson

Intended Outcomes

Students will build on the knowledge and skills they have developed in year 7 through applying tactics and strategies into a range of activities in their full context, including gymnastics, dance, invasion games (netball, basketball, football, rugby), striking and fielding games (cricket, rounders), net games (tennis) and outdoor and adventurous activities.  
Fundamental movement skills will be further developed and applied into a variety of sporting contexts.  

  • Course Implementation

    Fundamental Movement Skills  

    Students will learn to develop greater control and precision in their performance of fundamental body management, locomotor and object control skills needed to perform in a range of activities during their learning journey and students will carry out indoor athletics activities that require precision and control in running, jumping and throwing in order to be successful.  Students are assessed in their use of their heads (knowledge and understanding, tactical awareness, decision making, leadership and evaluation), their hearts (resilience, confidence, determination, effort, dedication, commitment and respect), and their hands (technique and application of skills, fitness levels, teamwork and competitiveness).  

    Gymnastics (Trampolining) 

    Students will transfer, adapt and apply their fundamental movement skills (particularly body management) in order to perform the five basic jumps on a trampoline; seat, back and front landings and will understand how body tension, control and extension contribute to maintaining shape and height when executing skills.  Students are assessed in their use of their heads (knowledge and understanding, tactical awareness, decision making, leadership and evaluation), their hearts (resilience, confidence, determination, effort, dedication, commitment and respect), and their hands (technique and application of skills, fitness levels, teamwork and competitiveness).  


    Students will explore the use of compositional devices (e.g. repetition, synchronisation and canon) to develop motifs and phrases in pairs and groups, as well as being introduced to simple contact work through taking the weight of a partner, alongside exploring, selecting and refining material to compose phrases of movement and develop expressive skills in their performance.  Students are assessed in their use of their heads (knowledge and understanding, tactical awareness, decision making, leadership and evaluation), their hearts (resilience, confidence, determination, effort, dedication, commitment and respect), and their hands (technique and application of skills, fitness levels, teamwork and competitiveness).  


    Students will further refine and apply fundamental movement skills in order to develop techniques in a selection of invasion games and skills such as sending, receiving, dribbling, dodging and shooting will be focused upon by all students with a greater focus on using them in competitive scenarios.  Students are assessed in their use of their heads (knowledge and understanding, tactical awareness, decision making, leadership and evaluation), their hearts (resilience, confidence, determination, effort, dedication, commitment and respect), and their hands (technique and application of skills, fitness levels, teamwork and competitiveness).  

    Outdoor and Adventurous Activities  

    This unit focuses on developing communication, collaboration, cooperation and leadership skills plus technical skills (compass and map reading) alongside responding effectively to problems and physical challenges. Students are assessed in their use of their heads (knowledge and understanding, tactical awareness, decision making, leadership and evaluation), their hearts (resilience, confidence, determination, effort, dedication, commitment and respect), and their hands (technique and application of skills, fitness levels, teamwork and competitiveness).  

    Net and Wall Games: Tennis 

    Students will focus upon developing collaboration, cooperation and communication skills, be introduced to net play, develop groundstrokes and experience of challenges that will encourage them to make the correct shot choice in competitive situations. Students are assessed in their use of their heads (knowledge and understanding, tactical awareness, decision making, leadership and evaluation), their hearts (resilience, confidence, determination, effort, dedication, commitment and respect), and their hands (technique and application of skills, fitness levels, teamwork and competitiveness).  


    Students will apply fundamental movement skills to the technical demands of athletics activities in order to perform at maximum levels and achieve a personal best, whilst using the ESAA award scheme to motivate and understand the value of evaluating their own and others’ performance.  Students are assessed in their use of their heads (knowledge and understanding, tactical awareness, decision making, leadership and evaluation), their hearts (resilience, confidence, determination, effort, dedication, commitment and respect), and their hands (technique and application of skills, fitness levels, teamwork and competitiveness).  

    Striking and Fielding: Cricket/Rounders 

    Students will apply catching, throwing and hitting in full sized rounders matches and pairs cricket matches, whilst developing these skills into specific batting, bowling and fielding techniques.   Students are assessed in their use of their heads (knowledge and understanding, tactical awareness, decision making, leadership and evaluation), their hearts (resilience, confidence, determination, effort, dedication, commitment and respect), and their hands (technique and application of skills, fitness levels, teamwork and competitiveness).  


Learning Impact

Through their year 8 learning journey students will further develop their knowledge and skills, enabling them to become more confident performers both in adapted and competitive situations across a range of activities. This will be reported in line with our head, heart, hands assessment model.  

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