We hope you had a peaceful and restful Easter break and spring (at long last!) seems to be with us.  May we start by congratulating the vast majority of students that have attended school in the correct uniform and with the correct equipment.  Please could we encourage all parents/carers to ensure students continue this and a reminder that trainers such as Nike Air Force One are not classed as acceptable school shoes.

In addition to the school uniform, our key expectations are:

  • Shoes should be worn that are sensible and practical i.e. low heels (no boots or trainers unless a doctor’s note is presented).
  • Jewellery should not be worn or brought into school, to avoid loss, damage or injury. One pair of studs in the lobes of ears can be worn but will need to be removed for PE/Games. (No other piercings or retainers are permitted)
  • Make-up, including nail varnish, is not necessary for school and if obvious will be expected to be removed.
  • Jackets/Coats/Jumpers should be suitable for school and the weather conditions.  Hooded jackets/jumpers/branded logo jumpers etc. are not permitted unless it is the school PE hoody.
  • False/acrylic nails are not allowed to be worn in school.
  • Hair– if long it should be tied back for practical lessons. Hair bands etc. should be black, white or blue (school colours). Extreme styles and colours are not acceptable; symbols, names etc. cut or dyed into hair will require a student to return home.
  • Additional subject uniform(i.e. PE) and equipment lists are available from the school.  School issued PE T-Shirt, shorts or tracksuit bottoms / or school leggings. School issue PE Hoodie & Suitable trainers
  • Other Valuables(i.e. mobile phones, iPod etc.) If they are brought into school, the school will not take responsibility for loss or damage.

PE Kit
As a reminder,  students should not be attending school in their PE kit as they will be required to use the changing facilities for all their PE lessons.

Face coverings/masks
On 6th April, the Government announced that face coverings should continue to be worn in secondary schools after the Easter break.  This rule will be reviewed in line with Government guidance no earlier than 17th May (step 3 of the roadmap).

TED day
As part of the school COVID testing processes and the re-opening plans the Government allowed schools to utilise an additional TED day.  We will be using this additional TED day on 9th July 2021 to prepare for the Year 6 into Year 7 and Year 12 transition processes along with Year 6 catch-up planning for over the summer holidays.

Self Isolation guide
As COVID-19 is still prevalent in our community, please Click Here for self-isolation guidance for families produced by Worcestershire County Council.