We invited Parents/Carers to attend the Year 11 Parents’ Virtual Consultation Evening which takes place on Thursday 19th October, from 4.00pm-6.30pm.
Parents can book appointments by visiting the following link – Book an Appointment
Booking of appointments will be open from 7pm 11th October 2023 until 9pm 18th October 2023.
This is an important evening and provides parents/carers with an opportunity to discuss their child’s progress at school with regard to their GCSE’s next year. Appointments will take place online using a web cam / microphone rather than attending in person. This can be easily accessed using a mobile device, tablet or laptop.
In certain circumstances it may not be possible to see every member of staff, due to large class sizes being taught by that teacher.
There is also a short video that shows parent/carers how to book an appointment and also gives an idea of what to expect – How to book an appointment / attend an appointment
If parents/carers are unable to attend on the evening, please log on to the online system, click the appropriate date and click “Unable to attend.” This is most important as it will help the office staff save time, by not needing to contact parents/carers by phone.
This is most important as it will help the office staff save time, by not needing to contact parents/carers by phone.
If you do not have access to the internet, please contact the school office who will be happy to pass on your availability.
We recommend booking as soon as possible, as appointments will be allocated quickly.