Spanish Year 10 & 11

Year 10 Spanish Course Modules

  • Edexcel 1SP0: Year 10 Orientate! – Find your path! Module 2 –Viva 3 (use Viva 9-1 to supplement)

    Saying what you have to do at work using ‘tener que’

    Saying what job you’d like to do using the conditional and future tenses. Describing your job using three tenses

  • Edexcel 1SP0: Year 10 En forma- In shape – Module 3 -Viva 3

    Talking about diet using direct object pronouns. Stem changing verbs and reflexive verbs to describe your daily routine. Using se debe and the negative.

    Saying what part of your body hurts using ‘me duele/n’

    Make a presentation on fitness and routine saying what you should do

    Understanding Spanish idioms

  • Edexcel 1SP0: Year 10 Mi vida en el insti – School (Module 2 GCSE Edexcel 9-1)

    Giving opinions about school subjects, facilities and the school day. Talking about what you like and don’t like using justification and including superlatives and comparatives.

    Describing rules and saying what you think of the rules using se debe / no se permite / hay que+ infinitive

    Using verbs in the third person ‘te ayudan/ las clases comenzan a ‘

    Talking about extra-curricular activities

    Saying what your plans are using the previous topic and adding the near future and the future tense

  • Edexcel 1SP0: Year 10 ‘De costumbre’- Festivals and special occasions

    Revising daily routine and talking about illness and injury. Asking for help in different scenarios.

    Using the passive and spotting words which indicate an increase/decrease.

    Using a reflexive verb in the preterite.

    Inferring meaning in a literary text. Ordering food in a restaurant and saying that there is a problem with a dish. Understanding different dishes from around the Spanish speaking world.

    Talking about a music festival, including what you need to take, costs, opening times, hours, opinions.

    Traditions and rituals, looking at marriage and coming of age celebrations.

Year 11 Spanish Course Modules

  • Edexcel 1SP0: Year 11 Jovenes en accion - Module 4 Viva 3 Rojoand ‘Hacer un mundo mejor’ – Making the word better- Module 8 (Edexcel 9-1)

    Talking about children’s rights using the verb ‘poder’

    Talking about Fair trade, recycling and fundraising. Using the Imperfect tense to say how things have changed.

    Describing types of houses and talking about the environment. Revising healthy living and saying what you will do to stay in shape.

    Global issues, including unemployment and drug addiction and homelessness.

    Talking about local actions and using the subjunctive in commands.

    Using the pluperfect tense ‘habia trabajado’

    Creating a presentation to use in your final piece of Speaking assessment.

  • Edexcel 1SP0: Year 11 Desconectate! - Holidays!

    Saying where you usually go and what you do on holidays. Revising all parts of the verb and different tenses. Saying when you have a problem with accommodation and using ‘he perdido’ to say when you have lost something.

    Describing an ideal holiday.

  • Edexcel 1SP0: Year 11 Ciudades – Towns/cities

    Discussing the pros and cons of a region. Saying what you can do using ‘se puede + infinitive’

    Understanding the geography of Spain.

    Shopping for clothes and saying when there is a problem.

  • Edexcel 1SP0: Year 11 A currar! –Future Jobs

    Saying what you’d like to do in the future, which jobs and what you couldn’t do. ‘No puedo ser/ no me gustaria trabajar en ….’

    Saying how you earn money.

    Discussing why languages are important, using the present and the present continuous

    Discussing work experience and applying for a job, What qualities are necessary…?

    Discussing the benefits of a sabbatical year.

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