Year 10 – Personal Development

Head of Subject: Mrs C Jones

Intended Outcomes

Personal Development is a programme aimed to prepare our students for a safe, healthy and successful adult lifeWe have divided our programme into 4 strands: Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, Living in the wider world and Citizenship. Personal development isn’t taught as a separate subject, but is taught through drop down days and the tutor programme. Here are a list of the main units covered throughout year 10.  

  • Course Implementation

    Skills, Values and Goals – Tutor time  

    In the unit students will examine the skills and qualities needed for the world of work and then set targets for the year ahead. There are no formal assessments in the tutor programme. Student progress is monitored in lessons verbally and through completion of reflective writing.  

    Healthy Relationships – Tutor programme  

    A unit looking at healthy and unhealthy relationships and then focussing on coercive control. There are no formal assessments in the tutor programme. Student progress is monitored in lessons verbally and through completion of reflective writing.   

    Mental Health and Wellbeing – Tutor time  

    This benefits and challenges to young people’s emotional wellbeing of being online and looking at how mental health is portrayed in the media. There are no formal assessments in the tutor programme. Student progress is monitored in lessons verbally and through completion of reflective writing.    

    Promoting Mental Health – Tutor programme  

    This unit will help students look after their mental health by looking at the importance of sleep, mindfulness. meditation and coping with exam stress. There are no formal assessments in the tutor programme. Student progress is monitored in lessons verbally and through completion of reflective writing.  

    Managing risk – Tutor programme  

    This unit will examine inclusion and immigration, belonging and addressing extremism. There are no formal assessments in the tutor programme. Student progress is monitored in lessons verbally and through completion of reflective writing. 


Learning Impact

The full impact of our Personal development programme will not be assessable during their time at school but we do use a range of methods to measure the impact of what we are doing where possible. This takes the form of google forms after most workshops, guest speakers or other activities involving external agencies. 

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