Year 11 – Biology

Head of Subject: Mr C Beech

Intended Outcomes

The GCSE Biology Course is designed to develop students’ scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding, understand the nature, processes and methods of science through scientific enquiries, learn to apply observational, practical, modelling, enquiry and problem-solving skills and develop their ability to evaluate claims based on science through critical analysis of the methodology, evidence and conclusions, both qualitatively and quantitatively. 

  • Course Implementation

    Homeostasis and Response 

    Students will learn about the process of homeostasis, the human structure and function of the human nervous system, the brain, the eye and control of body temperature (Biology only), the human endocrine system and body glucose control, hormonal coordination in humans, the use of hormones to treat infertility, plant hormones (Biology only). Assessment throughout the course via quizzes, homework tasks, and end of topic tests followed by feedback to students.  

    Inheritance, Variation and Evolution 

    Students will learn about genetic inheritance, inherited disorders, sex determination, variation, evolution, selective breeding, genetic engineering, cloning (Biology only), evidence for evolution, fossils, extinction, resistant bacteria and classification of living organisms. Assessment throughout the course via quizzes, homework tasks and end of topic tests followed by feedback to students.  


    Students will learn about adaptions, competition, abiotic factors and biotic factors, the organisation of an ecosystem, how materials are cycled in an ecosystem, decomposition, the impact of environmental change, biodiversity and the effect of human interaction on ecosystems, waste management, land use, deforestation, global warming, maintaining biodiversity, trophic levels in an ecosystem (Biology only) pyramids of biomass (Biology only), transfer of biomass, food production, factors affecting food security and biotechnology (Biology only). Assessment throughout the course via quizzes, homework tasks and end of topic tests followed by feedback to students.  



Learning Impact

Developing knowledge and practical skills across the curriculum will allow students to progress into further studies in Biology with the ability to analyse more complex concepts; a Mock assessment covering the topics learned over the 2 years will allow students to demonstrate their progress.  
Students’ Working At grades will be produced using an average of the End of Topic assessments, this will also include assessment of practical skills and will be reported to parents based on the whole school assessment calendar for that year. 

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