Year 11 – Drama

Head of Subject: Mrs H Lloyd

Intended Outcomes

Component 2 – Performance From Text – Students will be able to understand the context behind their chosen play text, developing their existing knowledge of performance skills and design in order the stage and perform their chosen play extracts. 
Component 3 – Theatre Makers in Practice (DNA) – Students will complete their scene by scene exploration of the play DNA and begin to deepen their understanding of the role of performer, director, designer and the performance and design skills required as well as understanding how to effectively communicate this understanding through exam questions. 
Component 3 – Theatre Makers in Practice (Live Theatre) – Students will watch a live theatre performance and develop notes to take into their written exam, analysing and evaluating how performance and design skills have been used in that performance for varying purposes as well as understanding how to effectively communicate this understanding through exam questions. 

  • Course Implementation

    Component 2 – Performance from Text 

    Students will learn their play extracts and work to stage these extracts considering character, performance skills and context of the play as well as considering and writing the dramatic intentions of the performances before performing for an examine either live or recorded. This will be assessed by the exam board (20% of final GCSE grade). 

    Component 3 – Theatre Makers in Practice (DNA)  

    Students will work both practically and theoretically to explore the remaining scenes of DNA, developing their existing knowledge of performance and design skills and exam technique through practice questions, class discussion and practical workshopping of key scenes. This will worth 45 marks of the written 1 hour 45 exam (worth 40% of the final GCSE grade.) 

    Component 3 – Theatre Makers in practice (Live Theatre) 

    Students will watch a live theatre performance and explore how the performer, director and designers have used performance and design elements for a variety of effects, creating 500 words of notes to take into the exam and developing their ability to write analytical and evaluative exam answers. This will be worth 15 marks of written 1 hour 45 exam (worth 40% of the final GCSE grade.) 


Learning Impact

This will be assessed thorough a balance of practical and exam based assessment. This will be fed back to parents via written reports, data and parent’s evenings. 

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