Year 12 – Criminology

Head of Subject: Ms C Simmonds

Intended Outcomes

Foundational criminological knowledge providing biological, psychological and sociological reasons for why crime occurs in Britain and what role agencies such as the media etc play in shaping the general public’s opinion on crime.  

  • Course Implementation

    Changing Awareness of Crime 

    Interactive teaching that covers the impact media has on our perceptions of crime in British society by exploring different types of crimes, the consequences of crime coverage in the media and how we use campaigns to try and elicit change in the public’s behaviour. Coursework (accounts for 25% of final grade) which is marked by teacher and moderated by the exam board (WJEC).

    Criminological Theories  

    Biological, Sociological and Psychological reasons for criminality are explored using real life examples throughout.  External exam that takes place in May. This counts as 25% of final grade, mark provided by exam board. 

Learning Impact

Consistent in-class ‘knowledge’ assessments that are peer and self marked. Teacher assessments via homework and in-class writing tasks in preparation for the end of unit external assessments.  

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