Year 12 – Physics

Head of Subject: Mr C Beech

Intended Outcomes

Physicists explore the fundamental nature of almost everything we know of. They probe the furthest reaches of the earth to study the smallest pieces of matter. Year 12 Physics develops knowledge acquired at GCSE further exploring the mathematical rules underpinning the known universe. 

  • Course Implementation

    Measurements and their errors 

    Within this unit students will develop their use of SI units and their prefixes, understand the limits of physical measurements and be able to estimate physical quantities. Assessment is via mid point and end of topic assessments using past exam questions. 

    Particles and radiation 

    Within this topic students will build on the particle model topic from GCSE to study the constituents of the atom, stable & unstable nuclei, particles, antiparticles & photons, particle interactions, classification of particles, quarks and antiquarks, the photoelectric effect and wave-particle duality. Assessment is via mid point and end of topic assessments using past exam questions. 


    Within this topic students will build on knowledge learned in the waves topic at GCSE to study; progressive waves, longitudinal and transverse waves, superposition and formation of stationary waves, reflection, diffraction and interference. Assessment is via mid point and end of topic assessments using past exam questions. 

    Mechanics and energy 

    Within this topic students will build on knowledge learned in the forces and energy topics at GCSE to study; Scalars & vectors, moments, motion along a straight line, projectile motion, Newton’s laws, momentum, the bulk properties of solids and Young’s modulus. Assessment is via mid point and end of topic assessments using past exam questions. 


    Within this topic students will build on knowledge learned in the electricity topic at GCSE to study; The basics of electricity, current-voltage characteristics, resistivity, circuits, potential divider, Electromotive force & internal resistance. Assessment is via mid point and end of topic assessments using past exam questions. 


Learning Impact

Ongoing assessment via mid point and end of topic assessments will be used to generate attainment grades throughout year 12. End of year assessments will be based around past exam papers (AS and paper 1) to generate expected grades for Y13 and UCAS predictions. 

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