Year 13 – Physics

Head of Subject: Mr C Beech

Intended Outcomes

Physicists explore the fundamental nature of almost everything we know of. They probe the furthest reaches of the earth to study the smallest pieces of matter. Year 13 Physics further develops knowledge acquired during Y12 by exploring in greater detail the mathematical rules underpinning the known universe. 

  • Course Implementation

    Further mechanics and thermal physics 

    This unit builds on the Y12 mechanics topic to advance knowledge through understanding of; circular motion, simple harmonic motion, simple harmonic systems, forced vibrations and resonance, thermal energy transfer, ideal gases & molecular kinetic theory. Assessment is via mid point and end of topic assessments using past exam questions. 

    Fields and their consequences 

    The concept of field is one of the great unifying ideas in physics. The ideas of gravitation, electrostatics and magnetic field theory are developed within the topic to emphasise this unification. Students study in detail; fields, gravitational fields, orbits of planets and satellites, coulombs law, electric field strength, electric potential & capacitance, magnetic fields & electromagnetic induction. Assessment is via mid point and end of topic assessments using past exam questions

    Nuclear physics 

    This section builds on the work of Particles and radiation to link the properties of the nucleus to; Rutherford scattering, radiation, radioactive decay, nuclear instability, nuclear radius, mass & energy, induced fission & nuclear safety. Assessment is via mid point and end of topic assessments using past exam questions. 


    Fundamental physical principles are applied to the study and interpretation of the Universe. Students gain deeper insight into the behaviour of objects at great distances from Earth and discover the ways in which information from these objects can be gathered. Assessment is via mid point and end of topic assessments using past exam questions. 



Learning Impact

Ongoing assessment via mid point and end of topic assessments will be used to generate attainment grades throughout year 12. End of year assessments will be based around past exam papers (AS and paper 1) to generate expected grades for Y13 and UCAS predictions. Final assessment is via three 2 hour exams. 

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