Year 9 – Hospitality and Catering

Head of Subject: Mrs D Ransom

Intended Outcomes

Students will increase their knowledge of nutrients in the diet, nutritional needs of different groups of people, meal choices, menu planning and food related causes of ill health. 
A range of dishes are made using new skills, increasing levels of skills involving adapting individual set recipes and choosing and adapting their own choices. 

  • Course Implementation

    Nutrients and Healthy Eating 

    Macronutrients and micronutrients, sources and functions and their importance in a balanced diet. Homework tasks, assessed knowledge test, marked planning tasks. 

    Individual dietary needs and special diets 

    Looking at the different nutritional needs of groups of people to include personal choices, medical reasons and religious dietary needs. Completion of planning tasks which are teacher marked. 

    Adapting Recipes 

    Adapting standard recipes to meet individual needs and to improve the nutritional content. Recipe adaptation task linked to practical work, both written and practical work assessed/marked. 

    Menu Planning 

    Looking at a range of different meal and menu types and being able to choose suitable dishes for the occasion and the client. Class and homework task planning dishes for a practical lesson.

    Food related causes and preventative control of ill health 

    Looking at different types and sources of food poisoning, safe storage, preparation and cooking of food, crosscontamination and the creation of HACCP plans. End of module test which is graded and added to the student marksheet. 

    Food allergies 

    Being aware of signs and symptoms of food induced ill health by considering the 14 main allergens, control measures and food labelling. In class task, teacher marked. 

    The Environmental Health Officer 

    Investigating the role of the Environmental Health officer, their importance for keeping food premises compliant and food hygiene ratings. Exam style question completed and graded, marked with students. 

    Practical food skills 

    Introducing a range of medium and complex skills into a selection of recipes including main meal dishes with a variety of protein sources, bread, pastry and pasta making; also introducing more detailed dish reviews. Dishes are self and teacher assessed, skills identified, and improvements included for future work. 


Learning Impact

End of module tests will ensure that subject knowledge becomes established by students enabling them to compete a variety of planning and practical tasks showing progression in both theory and practical aspects of the subject. 

Work completed throughout the year will be placed on a database which will average marks to provide clear information to parents showing how the student is progressing throughout the year. 

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