We would like to take this opportunity to welcome our Year 7 students to The Bewdley School. We hope all students are settling well after their first few days.

Please do not worry – this settling time can take a few weeks. Each student has a form tutor and this person will see them every day and help them with any concerns they may have. It always takes a while for students to find their way around our large buildings. The Bewdley staff and other students will always support the year 7s to settle – so they must not be afraid to ask for help or advice if needed. We are sure parents will support us in reassuring students with positivity and confidence during their transitionary time.

Every term students will complete assessments as part of their subject curricula. These assessments are designed to maximise progress by encouraging regular learning of subject content, developing revision skills and focussing students on the areas of content they are not yet secure in and of course celebrating knowledge and skills acquisition… Read More